Twist & shake: Plum vodka

MAKES 800ml
- 250g plums
- 1 lemon
- 5 tbsp caster sugar
- 700ml bottle of vodka
- sparkling water or kombucha
- fresh thyme sprigs
1 Put the plums in a plastic container and freeze them overnight.
2 Remove the peel from the lemon. Scrape off any white pith with a butter knife.
3 Put the sugar and vodka in a clean 1-litre kilner jar. Seal the jar and shake it for a minute to dissolve the sugar, then add the frozen plums and lemon peel.
4 Seal it again and shake it hard for another minute. Label it with the name and date and store in a cool, dry place for two or three months. Shake the jar once a week for the first few weeks to ease the sugar in.
5 Strain into a jug through a fine-mesh sieve before decanting into a clean 1-litre swing-top bottle. You can sweeten it a little more by adding some sugar syrup.
6 For a spritz, pour 50ml of the plum vodka into a long glass along with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir with a straw, add some ice and top it up with sparkling water or kombucha. Garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme.