Don't you hate it when you have finished arguing with someone and you forgot to bring up the most salient point? David, despite being blocked, managed to email to say he was 'distressed' that I had talked on the podcast about the Dries van Noten dress he gave me being 'size fat'. In my retaliation in this column last week (I didn't reply to his email, thinking silence would wind him up), I forgot to point out that, actually, when I had gifted him a £1,000 iPhone PLUS ACCESSORIES at Christmas, all I got in return was a rude, curt: 'I have sent it back to you. Look to yourself and your actions.' Which makes 'size fat' pale into insignificance, dontcha think? At least I kept the Dries dress and wore it, even though it fell down and showed my poor darned nipples for all the world to see, as though I were a character in Conversations With Friends (dear God, isn't the TV adaptation dreary? The chippy lover, upset she appears in a short story. Just don't date a writer! Honestly, the parallels are uncanny).
Liz Jones' Diary: In which my laundry lets me down

09/06/22 20:34